Association governance

Association governance

An association with strong values

The CLJT is an organisation with 100 employees, 12 establishments in Paris and the Hauts-de-Seine department, 1300 lodgings in residences - lodging or in flatshare, 750 social-education actions organised each year and above all, 1200 young people who find their first independent lodging. The start of a new adventure ...

Our social project
Our social project

Being an association under the law 1901, for more than 50 years, the CLJT has offered temporary housing and has taken the mission of assisting in insertion into the social, civic and professional life of its residents from 18 to 30, which it welcomes, houses and assists in its establishments.

Faithful to the humanistic values which were those of its founders, outside of any idealogical, political or religious affiliation,the CLJT performs its mission by offering lodging at the best quality/price ratio possible, for young people of ages 18 to 30, with low or modest income, without distinction of gender, cultural, social or professional background, with a fair balance of the different categories housed.

The association means on the one hand, contributing to the blossoming, and the stabilisation of its residents and facilitating their insertion into the social, civic and professional life, without at the same time, substituting for the various specialised, established organisations: National Education, social, medical or psychological services, unemployment assistance, cultural and sports clubs and associations, etc.

Bas gauche
Our commitments

1- To provide quality housing : equipment for public and common areas, safety.

2 - To provide a common catering service in establishments where the structure allows it, offering a varied and balanced diet and favouring social life.

3 - Taking care of the quality of the welcome whether when entering or during the stay; to listen to residents and to make available to them, the maximum of information concerning their present situation: entrance into professional life, access to future independent housing, health problems, possibilities of practising a sport, a cultural or artistic activity in the district, in Paris and in the Ile-de-France region.

4 - To be especially attentive to listening to young people in financial or moral difficulties, to help them analyse their situation in order to orient them if need be, towards specialised external structures.

5 - To encourage young people, often tempted to keep to themselves or only talk associate with friends (influence of television, computers: games, internet, etc.) to go and meet others: meals taken in common, social events, festive meals, group outings, etc.

6 - To arouse interest in the problems of society, culture, the sciences, the economy, etc. by organising debates with invited speakers, exhibitions, theme days, museum visits, trips, etc.

7 - To offer temporary or permanent activities locally (music, sport, computing, theatre, dance, etc.) which are often inaccessible to residents either because of high cost, or simply by the lack of availability.

8 - The CLJT means, placing importance in welcoming young foreigners in its establishments, in particular Europeans: at least one member of the team speaking a foreign language, organising encounters between residents of different nationalities, presentations on the life and the culture of the countries concerned, international exchanges.

9 - Each establishment makes an effort to insert itself into the social fabric and life of the district in which it is situated.

Le Conseil d'Administration

Francis BÉDEL, Président

Dominique THIEBAUT, Vice-Président

Christian TARDIVON, Secrétaire Général

Cyril LEBOITEUX, Trésorier






Hervé JOAB



Haut gauche
The investment of administrators
The investment of administrators

The members of the Administrative Council are all volunteers and have skills in the area of lodging and social actions in favour of young people.

The activities of the members of the Joint committees of the Administrative Council bringing together administrators and employees, illustrate the investment of the administrators into the life of the association. Their participation in free discussions and thinking allows decisions to be taken by the associations’ bodies with perfect knowledge of the current situation and activities of the residences.

Bas gauche